What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum here!
A child's school life should be one of the happiest memories that they have. At Matching Green C of E Primary School we believe it is essential to motivate our children by giving them hands on learning experiences. Due to our small class sizes we are able to recognise the needs and aspirations of all our pupils and provide a rich, varied curriculum which provide opportunities for all pupils to make the best possible progress and attain their highest personal achievement.
As part of the New National Curriculum, which came into effect in September 2014 the School has developed a two year rolling cycle, which can be found below.
At Matching Green C of E Primary School we follow a creative curriculum, using different books, which enables us to link subjects together. Our topics have an enrichment experience within them, that allows children the opportunity to live life in all its fullness and to build their cultural capital. We focus on teaching key skills taken from the National Curriculum and give the children exciting topics to engage with and learn through. The topics we follow are an integral part of the cross curricular links particularly our British Values, ICT and the outside areas.
During our Celebration Worship on a Friday children are asked to tell the rest of the school about what they have been learning that week.
Should you require any further information regarding our curriculum, please contact the School Office on 01279 731225.