The staff and governors of Matching Green CE Primary School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all the children in our care.
All members of staff and governors receive regular training as well as refresher update sessions throughout the academic year.
Mrs V Childs is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. Mr Ball and Miss Toon are the Designated Deputy Safeguarding Leads. If you have any safeguarding concerns then please speak to one of the members of staff mentioned above.
At Matching Green CE Primary School we use the following documents to help guide us in our policies and procedures (this is not an exhaustive list):
Essex Safeguarding Children Board guidelines - the Local Authority SET (Southend, Essex & Thurrock) Procedures (ESCB, May 2022)
Essex Effective Support
Effective Support for Children and Families in Essex ESCB October 2021
Local Authority SET PREVENT Policy and Guidance April 2019
Child Protection Policy
What to do if you're Worried a Child is Being Abused - DfE - March 2015
Keeping Children Safe in Education - DfE - September 2023
Working Together to Safeguard Children - DfE – December 2023
The Prevent Duty - Counter Terrorism and Security Act HMG - 2023
Guidance for Safer Working Practice for those with Children and Young People in Education - Safer Recruitment Consortium - 2019 plus addendum April 2020
Child Sexual Exploitation - DfE- February 2017
DfE Guidance - Searching, Screening and Confiscation - September 2022
DfE document ‘Suspension and Permanent Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England, including pupil movement. September 2022
Behaviour in Schools Guidance September 2022
Understanding and Supporting Behaviour – Safe Practice for Schools and Educational Settings – Autumn 2023
Hard copies of the documents listed above can be obtained from the School Office if required.